- issuing overalls is made extremely simple and easy to manage
Price calculator
Please state how many employees you need lockers for
This is a sample calculation based on a lease period of six months. Send your request for a quotation!
6.4 €/Month
3.2 €/Month
2.2 €/Month
2.2 €/Month
2.2 €/Month
2.2 €/Month
Prices are exclusive of vat.
Height | 1820 mm |
Width | 380 mm |
Depth | 450 mm |
Weight | 24.20 kg |
Number of compartment | 5 pcs |
Compartment size (hxwxd) | 344x360x450 mm |
Material | grade I steel sheets |
Basic colour | RAL 7035 / light grey |
Painting | electrostatic powder coating |
Item | WASH 1/5 380 NEW |
With the aid of our laundry lockers, the issue and collection of overalls is made extremely simple and easy to manage. The Employee responsible for issuing and collecting the overalls need only use one key to manage the system, whereas an Employee using a given compartment can only open his/her own compartment. I recommend the use of these lockers primarily when large quantities of overalls need to be dealt with at the same time. Anita Olah / director of sales |
We go out, we take a survey, give advice and make drawings. We not only fulfill requests, but also look for the most cost effective lockers which meet your requirements perfectly.
As we dispatch 80% of our products to our clients from stock, meeting urgent requirements is not a problem.
We deliver at the time that is most ideal for you. If you would like to furnish your locker rooms urgently, then we can even deliver and install your lockers within little time. If your changing room is not ready yet, you can still count on us, we will arrive at the optimal moment.
We not only deliver your lockers, we also install them. Besides checking the locks, our experts install the lockers, adjust the doors and take away the packaging material which is no longer needed. You have nothing to do other than receive the keys and enjoy the final result.