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Why is it worth renting from us?

With our renting packages, you can fit out your changing rooms immediately. There is no need to deal with large investment costs all at once, as the cost of renting lockers is a monthly operational expense. There are no hidden costs in the renting package: the price includes the return of the lockers - even in several instalments - and replacements in case of damage, and you need not worry about amortisation either, as this is handled as part of the package. If you discover in the meantime that you did not choose the right lockers for your employees, it is much simpler to change the type of leased lockers than purchased ones. Last but not rent, if your headcount changes, you can flexibly increase or reduce the number of rented lockers at any time, depending on how many staff you have working at your factory. The same flexibility applies to extending or terminating your lease: you can modify the package at any time.

Rentable products